ITC & DCG Papers
Prof. Sebastian Muntean, PhD, participated in the HYDROFORUM 2023 conference held in Wrocław, Poland, from October 25-27, 2023.
This event, celebrating its 50th anniversary, gathered hydropower specialists from several Eastern European countries. Prof. Muntean presented a paper titled "Opportunities offered by PEN@HYDROPOWER COST Action CA21104 for the development of the European hydropower community," highlighting the objectives and benefits of the PEN@HYDROPOWER network. He encouraged attendees, particularly young researchers, to join the network and participate in upcoming training schools and events, emphasising the importance of collaboration in addressing shared challenges in hydropower development.
Our study on hydropower's role in promoting energy justice in the European Union and Türkiye was presented at the "Revamping Hydropower Research" conference, highlighting hydropower's potential to support equitable energy distribution while addressing social and environmental impacts. Emphasizing relevance to the audience, the presentation linked hydropower’s role to broader energy transition policies, particularly within the EU's REPowerEU initiative aimed at advancing energy system sustainability.
Presented by Avnihan KIRISIK in following link
The COST action PEN@Hydropower results from the second year were presented. The audience was informed about the benefits that the COST action can offer for individuals and organisations. This included a brief presentation of training schools on sustainable hydropower, ITC conference grants, and meetings within workgroups. The working groups and their activities were in short discussed during the presentation as were the statistical data on the COST action.
The report can be found here.