Training Schools
Training Schools support PhD students and early career investigators to develop their knowledge and to extend team work in the hydropower field.
TS grants are available for PhD students and early career investigators affiliated to a legal entity in a COST Full/Cooperative Member, Near Neighbour Country, or European RTD.
The grants in CA21104 PEN@Hydropower are awarded yearly in a dedicated Call for Proposals. The training school period ranges from 2 to 5 days.
The selection criteria of the training school participants are defined by TS committee of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower.
Learn what our participants say about our Training Schools
1st Training School in Timisoara, Romania
Our first Training School with over 20 students from all over Europe.
2nd Training School in Thessaloniki, Greece
Our second Training School with over 20 students from South-Eastern Europe.
3rd Training School in Porto, Portgual
Our third Training School with over 20 students from South-Western Europe.
Open Calls
4th Training School on Sustainable Hydropower (TS3)
June 24th-27th 2025, Uppsala, Sweden
This is the 4th Call for applications for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower funded by the COST Action CA21104 “Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@Hydropower”.
Training Schools (TSs) on Sustainable Hydropower support participants involved in the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower to develop their knowledge and to extend team work in the hydropower field. TSs aim to contribute to the capacity building of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower networks by teaching/developing new skills, transfer complementary knowledge and team work. TSs contribute to the scientific objectives of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower. TSs represent an opportunity for all CA21104 PEN@Hydropower participants to extend their knowledge on research topics that have been highlighted by WGs and team addressing the PEN@Hydropower objectives.
In the framework of this 4th Call for Training Schools, the call for applications to the 3rd Training School (TS3) on Sustainable Hydropower organised during June 24-27, 2025 at Uppsala, Sweden is launched.
Up to 25 seats are available for TS3 on Sustainable Hydropower organized at Uppsala. CA21104 covers financial support by the daily allowance and travel costs for all seats. This call is open from 15th January 2025.
The applications for TS3 should be submitted no laterthan March 14, 2025. As a result, the notification of acceptance should be sent out no later than April 15, 2025. The confirmation or rejection should be given to the e-COST invitation no later than April 29, 2025.
After this date, the invitation is withdrawn and the applicant loses all rights.
Who is eligible to apply for to 3rd Training School on Sustainable Hydropower?
To be eligible for the Training School participation, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
An eCOST account on COST platform affiliated to one or more WG(s) available in this COST action;
Young researchers up to 40 at the date of the application with on-going research on hydropower: Post-docs, PhD students; Researchers in a legal entity; Master students with an on-going thesis, affiliated with a working contract to a legal entity.
Participants in previous training schools (e.g. TS1, TS2-1, TS2-2) are NO longer eligible in order to give as many participants as possible the chance to attend the training schools organised within this COST Action.
TS seats are available for the eligible participant affiliated with a legal entity in COST Full/Cooperative Member, Near Neighbour Country or European RTD. PhD students are strongly encouraged to participate.
An application for TS3 organised in Uppsala should include the following:
CV with a clear statement of age and background related to the hydropower field;
Motivation letter (max 1 page); 1 Letter of reference (max 1 page);
GDPR acceptance when the application is uploaded on the platform;
Each application should be upload in a single PDF file on the platform available on the following link
Please contact Dr. Sebastian Muntean for questions, clarifications or any special/particular situations.
Each proposal will be assessed independently by the Training School committee of the COST Action CA21104. The proposal will be selected based on the following criteria:
(i) active involvement in the PEN@Hydropower COST action activities;
(ii) CV and motivation alignment with the scope of the training school.
Selection will also guarantee: (i) adequate representation of ITC countries; (ii) balance in terms of: (a) research/working fields within the hydropower sector; (b) professional experiences in the hydropower sector; (c) gender representation.
For TS3 organised in Uppsala, Sweden, priority is given to applicants from countries that are included in the Northern European area (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and United Kingdom) to ensure a degree of representativeness.
More information is available at the Training School section on the CA21104 website: https://www.pen-hydropower.eu/training-schools
The TS3 is organized face-to-face during 4 days (June 24-27, 2025) at Uppsala, Sweden. The program of TS3 incorporates theoretical and practical components.
Day 1 (June 24, 2025): Registration, TS Opening, Self-presentation of each participant, Introduction into the PEN@Hydropower, WGs leaders' presentations, selecting the participants into the Working Teams (4-6 participants), project definition;
Day 2 (June 25, 2025): Sustainable Hydropower Standard (SHS), interconnection with WGs topics;
Day 3 (June 26, 2025): Visiting hydropower plant (HPP). Project preparation based on the HPP assessment according to SHS and WGs topics;
Day 4 (June 27, 2025): Project presentation by each group, TS Closing.
More information is available at the Training School section on CA21104 website: https://www.pen-hydropower.eu/training-schools
The guideline for participants to the TS organised in CA21104 is published yearly in a dedicated Call for Proposals. CA21104 in each call will make available the number of seats. The number of seats available each year for the training school is selected based on the available financial resources in the budget and approved by CG of PEN@Hydropower.
All participants must have an e-COST profile. Each participant has to secure the necessary travel documents / visas needed to facilitate their participation to the TS.
During the TS, the participants shall sign the attendance list each attended day. The daily allowance rate is approved by MC for accommodation, meal and short distance travel (defined as less or equal to 100 km one way) expenses for all participants to TS. The long-distance travel expense may be by train, ferry, bus, plane, and/or car. These long-distance travel expenses are reimbursed on face-value including VAT, cancellation insurance included, for the roundtrip.
Participants are advised to contact travel cancellation insurance for all their long-distance travel.
Cancellation insurance is an eligible expense included in the long-distance travel expenses.
A short report on the activities carried out, the results obtained in relation to the established objectives as well as the recommendations related to the TS have to be sent to the TS organizer no later than 2 weeks after the event is completed.
The funds will be reimbursed for each participant by the Grant Holder institution of CA 21104 based on the attendance list signed and the reimbursement claim submitted on the COST platform. Failure to provide the required supporting documents with the information mentioned above may lead to the rejection of the claim. Participants to TS are also requested to consult the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
Please contact:
PEN@Hydropower Chair: (CA support)
Dr. Eduard Doujak
PEN@Hydropower Grant Holder Manager (financial support):
Mr. Daniel Patauner
PEN@Hydropower Capacity Building Coordinator:
Dr. Sebastian Muntean
Training School (TS3 support):
Prof. Staffan Lundström
Prof. Urban Lundin
Mrs. Emma Hagner
Closed Calls
1st Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower
May 9-12, 2023, Timisoara, Romania
This is the 1st Call for applications for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower funded by the COST Action CA21104 “Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@Hydropower”.
Training Schools (TSs) on Sustainable Hydropower support participants involved in the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower to develop their knowledge and to extend team work in the hydropower field. TSs aim to contribute to the capacity building of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower networks by teaching/developing new skills, transfer complementary knowledge and team work. TSs contribute to the scientific objectives of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower. TSs represent an opportunity for all CA21104 PEN@Hydropower participants to extend their knowledge on research topics that have been highlighted by WGs and team addressing the PEN@Hydropower objectives.
In the framework of this 1st Call for Training Schools, the call for applications to the 1st Training School (TS1) on Sustainable Hydropower organized during May 9 -12, 2023 at Timișoara, Romania is launched.
26 seats (21 seats covered by CA21104 and 5 seats supported by EERA JP Hydropower) are available for TS1 on Sustainable Hydropower organized at Timișoara. CA21104 covers financial support by the daily allowance and travel costs for all 26 seats. This call is open from 28th February to 15th April, 2023
The applications for TS1 should be submitted no later than March 10, 2023 in the first round and no later than March 15, 2023 in the second round.
The extended deadline for submitting applications is March 29
As a result, the notification of acceptance should be sent out no later than March 31, 2023. The confirmation or rejection should be given to the e-COST invitation no later than April 15, 2023. After this date, the invitation is withdrawn and the applicant loses all rights.
To be eligible for the Training School participation, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
WG member (one or more) belonging to COST Countries, COST Partner Member or Near Neighbour Country
Young researchers up to 40 at the date of the application with on-going research on hydropower: Post-docs, PhD students; Researchers in a legal entity; Master students with an on-going thesis, affiliated with a working contract to a legal entity.
Who is eligible to apply for to 1st Training School on Sustainable Hydropower?
TS seats are available for the eligible participant affiliated with a legal entity in COST Full/ Cooperative Member, Near Neighbor Country or European RTD. PhD students are strongly encouraged to participate.
An application for TS1 organized at Timișoara, Romania should include the following documents:
CV with a clear description of the background related to the hydropower field and GDPR acceptance;
Motivation letter (max 1 page);
1 letter of reference (max 1 page);
All applications should be upload in a single PDF file on the platform available to following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdln8jxAMbfuwH82tKN0UTSiPT2xQzFm2sqEo7vWr2_zrV3gg/viewform
Each proposal will be assessed independently by the Training School committee of the COST Action CA 21104. The proposal will be selected based on the following criteria: (i) active involvement in the PEN@Hydropower COST action activities; (ii) CV and motivation alignment with the scope of the training school. Selection will also guarantee: (i) adequate representation of ITC countries; (ii) balance in terms of: (a) research/working fields within the hydropower sector; (b) professional experiences in the hydropower sector; (c) gender representation.
For TS1 organized at Timișoara, Romania, priority is given to applicants from countries that are included in the Eastern European area (Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkiye, Ukraine) to ensure a degree of representativeness. Next, the applications submitted in the first round have priority in the selection.
The TS1 is organized face-to-face during 4 days (May 9-12, 2023) at Timisoara, Romania. The program of TS1 incorporates theoretical and practical components.
Day 1 (May 9, 2023): Registration, TS Opening, Self-presentation of each participant, Introduction into the PEN@Hydropower, WGs leaders' presentations,selecting the participants into the Working Teams (4-6 participant), project definition;
Day 2 (May 10, 2023): Sustainable Hydropower Standard (SHS), interconnection with WGs topics;
Day 3 (May 11, 2023): Visiting hydropower plant (HPP). Project preparation based on the HPP assessment according to SHS and WGs topics;
Day 4 (May 12, 2023):Project presentation by each Working Team, TS Closing.
The guideline for participants to the TS organized in CA21104 is published yearly in a dedicated Call for Proposals. CA21104 in each call will make available the number of seats. The number of seats available each year for the training school is selected based on the available financial resources in the budget and approved by CG of PEN@Hydropower.
All participants must have an e-COST profile. Each participant has to secure the necessary travel documents / visas needed to facilitate their participation to the TS.
During the TS, the participants shall sign the attendance list each attended day. The daily allowance rate approved by MC for all participants to TS1 for accommodation, meal and short distance travel (defined as less or equal to 100 km one way) expenses is 150 Euro. The long-distance travel expense may be by train, ferry, bus, plane, and/or car. These long-distance travel expenses are reimbursed on face-value including VAT, up to a maximum of 1500 EUR, cancellation insurance included, for the roundtrip. Participants are advised to contact travel cancellation insurance for all their long- distance travel. Cancellation insurance is an eligible expense included in the long-distance travel expenses.
A short report on the activities carried out, the results obtained in relation to the established objectives as well as the recommendations related to the TS have to be sent to the TS organizer no later than 2 weeks after the event is completed.
The funds will be reimbursed for each participant by the Grant Holder institution of CA 21104 based on the attendance list signed and the reimbursement claim submitted on the COST platform. Failure to provide the required supporting documents with the information mentioned above may lead to the rejection of the claim. Participants to TS are also requested to consult the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
Please contact:
PEN@Hydropower Chair: (CA support)
Dr. Eduard Doujak (eduard.doujak@tuwien.ac.at)
PEN@Hydropower Grant Holder Manager (financial support):
Mr. Christian Blasbichler (christian.blasbichler@tuwien.ac.at)
1st Training School Local Organizing committee responsible (TS1 support):
Dr. Sebastian Muntean (sebastian.muntean@upt.ro)
2nd Training School on Sustainable Hydropower (TS 2-1)
May 7th-10th 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
This is the 2nd Call for applications for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower funded by the COST Action CA21104 “Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@Hydropower”.
This call is open from 8th January 2024 to the 14th of March 2024.
Training Schools (TSs) on Sustainable Hydropower support participants involved in the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower to develop their knowledge and to extend team work in the hydropower field. TSs aim to contribute to the capacity building of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower networks by teaching/developing new skills, transfer complementary knowledge and team work. TSs contribute to the scientific objectives of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower. TSs represent an opportunity for all CA21104 PEN@Hydropower participants to extend their knowledge on research topics that have been highlighted by WGs and team addressing the PEN@Hydropower objectives.
In the framework of this 2nd Call for Training Schools, the call for applications to the TS2-1 Training School on Sustainable Hydropower will be organised during May 7-10, 2024 at Thessaloniki, Greece.
25 seats (with support of EERA JP Hydro) are available for TS2-1 on Sustainable Hydropower organized at Thessaloniki. CA21104 covers financial support by the daily allowance and travel costs for all seats.
This call is open from 8th January 2024 to 14th March 2024.
The applications for TS2-1 should be submitted no later than February 12, 2024 in the first round and no later than 14th March, 2024 in the second round. As a result, the notification of acceptance will be sent out no later than March 29, 2024.
The confirmation or rejection has to be given by each applicant within two weeks of receiving the e-COST invitation but no later than March 29, 2024. After this date, the invitation is withdrawn and the applicant loses all rights.
Who is eligible to apply for to 2nd Training School on Sustainable Hydropower?
To be eligible for the Training School participation, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
An eCOST account on COST platform affiliated to one or more WG(s) available in this COST action;
Young researchers up to 40 at the date of the application with on-going research on hydropower: Post-docs, PhD students; Researchers in a legal entity; Master students with an on-going thesis, affiliated with a working contract to a legal entity.
Participants in previous training schools (e.g. TS1) are NO longer eligible in order to give as many participants as possible the chance to attend the training schools organised within this COST Action.
TS seats are available for the eligible participant affiliated with a legal entity in COST Full/Cooperative Member, Near Neighbour Country or European RTD. PhD students are strongly encouraged to participate.
An application for TS2-1 organized at Thessaloniki, Greece should include the following:
CV with a clear statement of age and background related to the hydropower field;
Motivation letter (max 1 page); 1 Letter of reference (max 1 page);
GDPR acceptance when the application is uploaded on the platform;
Each application should be upload in a single PDF file on the platform available to following link:
Please contact Dr. Sebastian Muntean for questions, clarifications or any special/particular situations.
Each proposal will be assessed independently by the Training School committee of the COST Action CA21104. The proposal will be selected based on the following criteria:
(i) active involvement in the PEN@Hydropower COST action activities;
(ii) CV and motivation alignment with the scope of the training school.
Selection will also guarantee: (i) adequate representation of ITC countries; (ii) balance in terms of: (a) research/working fields within the hydropower sector; (b) professional experiences in the hydropower sector; (c) gender representation.
For TS2-1 organized at Thessaloniki, Greece, priority is given to:
1) Applicants from countries that are included in the Southern European area (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Republic of Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Andorra, San Marino, Vatican) to ensure a degree of representativeness.
2) Applications submitted in the first round have priority in the selection.
More information is available at the Training School section on the CA21104 website: https://www.pen-hydropower.eu/training-schools
The TS2-1 is organized on-site during 4 days (May 7-10, 2024) at Thessaloniki, Greece. The program of TS2-1 incorporates theoretical and practical components.
Day 1 (May 7, 2024): Registration, TS Opening, Self-presentation of each participant, Introduction into the PEN@Hydropower, WGs leaders' presentations, selecting the participants into the Working Teams (4-6 participant), project definition;
Day 2 (May 8, 2024): Sustainable Hydropower Standard (SHS), interconnection with WGs topics;
Day 3 (May 9, 2024): Visiting hydropower plant (HPP). Project preparation based on the HPP assessment according to SHS and WGs topics;
Day 4 (May 10, 2024): Project presentation by each Working Team, TS Closing.
More information is available at the Training School section on CA21104 website: https://www.pen-hydropower.eu/training-schools
The guideline for participants to the TS organised in CA21104 is published yearly in a dedicated Call for Proposals. CA21104 in each call will make available the number of seats. The number of seats available each year for the training school is selected based on the available financial resources in the budget and approved by CG of PEN@Hydropower.
All participants must have an e-COST profile. Each participant has to secure the necessary travel documents / visas needed to facilitate their participation to the TS.
During the TS, the participants shall sign the attendance list each attended day. The daily allowance rate is approved by MC for accommodation, meal and short distance travel (defined as less or equal to 100 km one way) expenses for all participants to TS. The long-distance travel expense may be by train, ferry, bus, plane, and/or car. These long-distance travel expenses are reimbursed on face-value including VAT, cancellation insurance included, for the roundtrip.
Participants are advised to contact travel cancellation insurance for all their long-distance travel.
Cancellation insurance is an eligible expense included in the long-distance travel expenses.
A short report on the activities carried out, the results obtained in relation to the established objectives as well as the recommendations related to the TS have to be sent to the TS organizer no later than 2 weeks after the event is completed.
The funds will be reimbursed for each participant by the Grant Holder institution of CA 21104 based on the attendance list signed and the reimbursement claim submitted on the COST platform. Failure to provide the required supporting documents with the information mentioned above may lead to the rejection of the claim. Participants to TS are also requested to consult the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
Please contact:
PEN@Hydropower Chair: (CA support)
Dr. Eduard Doujak
PEN@Hydropower Grant Holder Manager (financial support):
Mr. Daniel Patauner
PEN@Hydropower Capacity Building Coordinator:
Dr. Sebastian Muntean
2nd Training School LOC chairmen (TS2-1 support):
Prof. Ioannis Anagnostopoulos
Prof. Antonis Tourlidakis
3rd Training School on Sustainable Hydropower (TS2-2)
September 3rd-6th 2024, Porto, Portgual
This is the 3rd Call for applications for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower funded by the COST Action CA21104 “Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@Hydropower”.
Training Schools (TSs) on Sustainable Hydropower support participants involved in the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower to develop their knowledge and to extend team work in the hydropower field. TSs aim to contribute to the capacity building of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower networks by teaching/developing new skills, transfer complementary knowledge and team work. TSs contribute to the scientific objectives of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower. TSs represent an opportunity for all CA21104 PEN@Hydropower participants to extend their knowledge on research topics that have been highlighted by WGs and team addressing the PEN@Hydropower objectives.
In the framework of this 3rd Call for Training Schools, the call for applications to the Sustainable Hydropower organised during September 3-6, 2024 at Porto, Portugal is launched.
Up to 25 seats (with support of EERA JP Hydro) are available for TS2-2 on Sustainable Hydropower.
CA21104 covers financial support by the daily allowance and travel costs for all seats. This call is open from 15th May 2024 to 27th June 2024.
25 seats (with support of EERA JP Hydro) are available for TS2-1 on Sustainable Hydropower organized at Thessaloniki. CA21104 covers financial support by the daily allowance and travel costs for all seats.
The applications for TS2-2 should be submitted no later than the 8th of July 2024.
The confirmation or rejection has to be given by each applicant within two weeks of receiving the e-COST invitation but no later than July 29, 2024. After this date, the invitation is withdrawn and the applicant loses all rights.
Who is eligible to apply for to 3r Training School on Sustainable Hydropower?
To be eligible for the Training School participation, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
An eCOST account on COST platform affiliated to one or more WG(s) available in this COST action;
Young researchers up to 40 at the date of the application with on-going research on hydropower: Post-docs, PhD students; Researchers in a legal entity; Master students with an on-going thesis, affiliated with a working contract to a legal entity.
Participants in previous training schools (e.g. TS1, TS2-1) are NO longer eligible in order to give as many participants as possible the chance to attend the training schools organised within this COST Action.
TS seats are available for the eligible participant affiliated with a legal entity in COST Full/Cooperative Member, Near Neighbour Country or European RTD. PhD students are strongly encouraged to participate.
An application for TS2-2 organized in Porto should include the following:
CV with a clear statement of age and background related to the hydropower field;
Motivation letter (max 1 page); 1 Letter of reference (max 1 page);
GDPR acceptance when the application is uploaded on the platform;
Each application should be upload in a single PDF file on the platform available on the following link
Please contact Dr. Sebastian Muntean for questions, clarifications or any special/particular situations.
Each proposal will be assessed independently by the Training School committee of the COST Action CA21104. The proposal will be selected based on the following criteria:
(i) active involvement in the PEN@Hydropower COST action activities;
(ii) CV and motivation alignment with the scope of the training school.
Selection will also guarantee: (i) adequate representation of ITC countries; (ii) balance in terms of: (a) research/working fields within the hydropower sector; (b) professional experiences in the hydropower sector; (c) gender representation.
For TS2-2 organized at Porto, Portugal, priority is given to applicants from countries that are included in the Southern European area (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Republic of Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Andorra, San Marino, Vatican) to ensure a degree of representativeness.
Applications submitted in the first round have priority in the selection.
More information is available at the Training School section on the CA21104 website: https://www.pen-hydropower.eu/training-schools
The TS2-2 is organized face-to-face during 4 days (September 3-6, 2024) at Porto, Portugal. The program of TS2-2 incorporates theoretical and practical components.
Day 1 (September 3 2024): Registration, TS Opening, Self-presentation of each participant, Introduction into the PEN@Hydropower, WGs leaders' presentations, selecting the participants into the Working Teams (4-6 participant), project definition;
Day 2 (September 4, 2024): Sustainable Hydropower Standard (SHS), interconnection with WGs topics;
Day 3 (September 5, 2024): Visiting hydropower plant (HPP). Project preparation based on the HPP assessment according to SHS and WGs topics;
Day 4 (September 6, 2024): Project presentation by each Working Team, TS Closing.
More information is available at the Training School section on CA21104 website: https://www.pen-hydropower.eu/training-schools
The guideline for participants to the TS organised in CA21104 is published yearly in a dedicated Call for Proposals. CA21104 in each call will make available the number of seats. The number of seats available each year for the training school is selected based on the available financial resources in the budget and approved by CG of PEN@Hydropower.
All participants must have an e-COST profile. Each participant has to secure the necessary travel documents / visas needed to facilitate their participation to the TS.
During the TS, the participants shall sign the attendance list each attended day. The daily allowance rate is approved by MC for accommodation, meal and short distance travel (defined as less or equal to 100 km one way) expenses for all participants to TS. The long-distance travel expense may be by train, ferry, bus, plane, and/or car. These long-distance travel expenses are reimbursed on face-value including VAT, cancellation insurance included, for the roundtrip.
Participants are advised to contact travel cancellation insurance for all their long-distance travel.
Cancellation insurance is an eligible expense included in the long-distance travel expenses.
A short report on the activities carried out, the results obtained in relation to the established objectives as well as the recommendations related to the TS have to be sent to the TS organizer no later than 2 weeks after the event is completed.
The funds will be reimbursed for each participant by the Grant Holder institution of CA 21104 based on the attendance list signed and the reimbursement claim submitted on the COST platform. Failure to provide the required supporting documents with the information mentioned above may lead to the rejection of the claim. Participants to TS are also requested to consult the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
Please contact:
PEN@Hydropower Chair: (CA support)
Dr. Eduard Doujak
PEN@Hydropower Grant Holder Manager (financial support):
Mr. Daniel Patauner
PEN@Hydropower Capacity Building Coordinator:
Dr. Sebastian Muntean
2nd Training School LOC chairmen (TS2-2 support):
Prof. Isabel Boavida