Working Group 4

This WG will focus on understanding and identification of major trends, restructuring the power sector in the following decades. Within the process, crosssector couplings will be identified and novel hydropower role will be evaluated. Evaluation will be based on EU frameworks and directives, CET and trends


T4.1 Understanding the EU frameworks trends of generation (distributed and nondispatchable renewables) and consumption (prosumers, demands for further electrification). Evaluation of hydropower role and operation in EU members, evaluation of market development for EU equipment producers

T4.2 Requirements and simulations of future hydropower to X coupling (energy storage, power to fuel, power to gas, other energy conversions)

T4.3 Evaluation and prediction for the novel role of hydropower - requirements for construction, refurbishment, maintenance and operation from 2030 to 2050. Identification of policy gaps, outdated policies, policies that need 14 improvement. Assessment of short- and long-term PEN@Hydropower scenarios.


Discussions on energy transition and facilitation of cooperation among energy sectors, including universities and companies during conferences, meetings and summer schools, involving all relevant branches of science.

Interaction with equipment producers, energy producers, EU commission and agencies, EERA, organisations, NGOs, regulators, etc. on energy transition.