1st Call for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower - Timisoara

This is the 1st Call for applications for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower funded by the COST Action CA21104 “Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@Hydropower”.

May 9-12, 2023, Timisoara, Romania

Training Schools (TSs) on Sustainable Hydropower support participants involved in the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower to develop their knowledge and to extend team work in the hydropower field. TSs aim to contribute to the capacity building of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower networks by teaching/developing new skills, transfer complementary knowledge and team work. TSs contribute to the scientific objectives of the CA21104 PEN@Hydropower. TSs represent an opportunity for all CA21104 PEN@Hydropower participants to extend their knowledge on research topics that have been highlighted by WGs and team addressing the PEN@Hydropower objectives.

More info can be found on the Training School Page.


1st Call for Inclusive Target Countries Conference Grants, Dissemination & Communication Grants


Press Release - PEN@Hydropower CA21104