1st Call for Inclusive Target Countries Conference Grants, Dissemination & Communication Grants

The 1st call for applications for Inclusive Target Countries Conference Grants (ITCCGs) and Dissemination and Communication Grants (DCGs) funded by the COST Action CA21104 Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@Hydropower.

ITCCGs and DCGs help PEN@Hydropower participants to attend conferences and other events, not organised under the COST Action CA21104 Pen@Hydropower as follows:

  • ITCCGs target at young researchers, researchers, PhD students and innovators from Inclusive Target Countries (ITCs) to attend high-quality international conferences and other events, not organised by Pen@Hydropower,

  • DCGs to support grantees to attend high-quality conferences, not organised by Pen@Hydropower Action to increase the visibility and awareness of Pen@Hydropower

ITCCGs and DCGs grant may be used for the cost of travel to the conference, accommodation and daily sustenance expenses, conference registration fees, the cost of printing the scientific poster, etc. ITCCGs and DCGs as well as the supported grantees should contribute to the scientific objectives of Pen@Hydropower. For all PEN@Hydropower participants ITCCGs and DCGs represent an opportunity to present their work on selected research topics highlighted by working groups andthe PEN@Hydropower objectives.

More information on the open call can be found on the following page Apply for a Grant.


First Training School Organised


1st Call for Training School (TS) on Sustainable Hydropower - Timisoara