First Training School Organised

Sustainability and Hydropower professionals met in Romania for the first Training School organised by PEN@Hydropower.

As part of the activities of the COST Action, capacity building training schools, along with targeted grants within PEN@Hydropower provide the opportunity for sustainability professionals to increase their exposure and knowledge on topics related to hydropower.

The first Training School was held in Timisoara, Romania in May 2023 which saw the participation of over 20 students from 15 different countries with different backgrounds including engineers, lawyers, business and policy makers.

The 5-day training covered numerous topics in the field of hydropower and crossed multiple disciplines and aimed to apply the knowledge gained during the week to a real-world hydropower plant in Timisoara.

Topics covered during the Training School included an introduction to Hydropower Sustainability Standards, different perspectives and roles in assessments of hydropower plants and a site visit to the Timisoara hydropower plant to apply knowledge.

Along with the 6 dedicated trainers of the COST Action, Guest Trainer Dr. Prof. Dr Jian-hua Meng, a senior sustainable hydropower advisor working on sustainable water infrastructure and Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz, presented aspects related to different sustainability standards regulating hydropower plants, and providing students the opportunity to assess different hydropower plants according to these standard.

“The Training School was a great tool to connect with other young professionals active in the hydropower field and a great cultural experience meeting with other experts from Europe and beyond” says Lee Estrellado, a TS participant on behalf of VGBE Energy.


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