Workshop on Water-Energy Nexus in water-supply

PEN@HYDROPOWER is pleased to invite participants to attend our first in-person workshop in Vienna from the 19-20.10.2023 to discuss the Water - Energy Nexus.

With the importance of water in energy production and the increasing uncertainty of water supply, there is a growing need for a more coherent approach in addressing water and energy. Water and energy are inextricably linked and research and innovation in this sector should help us identify strategies that balance energy demand and environmental goals.

This workshop will include special lectures, laboratory visits and practical applications, as well as presentation of results from running European projects, including Digitalization of water supply infrastructure to optimize the Water-Energy Nexus (DIWEN) and Hidden Hydro Oscillating Power for Europe (H-HOPE), as well as the COST Action Network Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower (PEN@Hydropower).

Topics that will be covered include understanding the hydraulic potential in existing water infrastructures, as well as existing and future hydro energy recovery technologies.

This event is specifically aimed for Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI) to broaden their knowledge in these fields and are invited to apply.

For interested participants based outside of Vienna, you may apply for a grant for travel and accommodation expenses. Evaluations will be carried out after the submission deadline on 12 October and will be reimbursed according to COST guidelines.

Participants based in Vienna are free to attend the event at their own expense.

More information can be found in the agenda:


Hydropower: Providing flexibility in the energy system


COST Connect Event - Energy